West Coast Brewing The Scavenger/ウエストコーストブルーイング ザ スカベンジャー【欠品】



Scavengerの正体を知る者は、まだいない。次はいつ何処に現れて、彼は何処へ向かうのか。Alchemist? Nemesis?それとも……Technicianの元へ??
The Scavenger once again is making the rounds – our insanely quaffable Gose packed with pink grapefruit and loads of Japanese Summer Oranges returns for round 3. The BMT restocked the goodies and is injecting this content directly into our palettes with just the right dosage. Lightly dry hopped and super dry, The Scavenger brings the fruit home this time with a salt swap (full on Himalayan Pink FTW) for a bright and punchy yet balanced tart refreshment push. The season for kettle sours winds down but the Technician and his gang have just begun the fun 😉
  • BREWERY West Coast Brewing
  • COUNTRY 日本/静岡県
  • ABV 5.5%
  • VOLUME 500ml
  • STYLE Gose
  • PRICE 欠品中yen